I like this band a lot. I got some tape of theirs a long ass time ago and it's awesome. I wanted to listen to it but realized I didn't have a fucking tape player! First I just listened to their tracks from "This Comp Kills Fascists" but that became unsatisfying... So the Soulseek search began... This is the songs I came up with. Some from their Demo, and some from something titled "Spoonful of Destrux". Demo sounds good, Destrux sounds like fucking shit quality wise. Anyways check em out. Good powerviolence grind stuff.
Spoonful of download
"Spoonful of Destrux" is a live split tape they put out with a band called Total Fucking Destruction. It was recorded at a show so that's why it sounds rough. But actually all their stuff sounds rough and that's why it's so awesome. They have a 7" out and an LP coming soon too.
What D Langer says is not true. "Spoonful of Destrux" was a split release with fellow Rotcore (Rochester) band Destrux. This was S.O.V.'s second release; "Spoonful of Destrux" came out in 2003 on CDR (and some on cassette) and was packaged in dumpstered DVD cases. The split "EP" was thrown together by the groups themselves and sold at shows (not traded as far as I know). The Total Fucking Destruction split cassette is a totally different release - this is live (the former is not) and was released in 2008.
My mistake, the split came out in 2004.
Hey, now that I think about it, I think the split with Total Fucking Destruction was recorded in Grand Rapids, at the DAAC in like 06'... I used to live there. REPPIN
Thanks for showing me this band. Four years later or whatever and this full length still rapes. - Death Of A Modernist
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